Incase of any Suggestions or query for Technical related, please always welcome!!!!
The port numbers are divided into three ranges:
The Well Known Ports: 0 through 1023.
The Registered Ports: 1024 through 49151
The Dynamic and/or Private Ports: 49152 through 65535
Some of the common ports are mentioned as below which we are using our day to day operations, for detailed pls visit the above mentioned website,
FTP - 20, 21
SSH - 22
SNMP - 25
HTTP - 80
HTTPS - 443
POP3 - 110
POP3-SSL - 995
IMAP - 143
IMAP-SSL - 993
IPSec (VPN tunneling) uses the following ports:
50 - tcp\udp - Encapsulation Header (ESP)*
51 - tcp\udp - Authentication Header (AH)*
500 - udp - Internet Security Association & Key Management Protocol(ISAKMP)*
1293 - tcp\udp - IPSec-PKT-KRB
4500 - udp - IPSec NAT Traversal
62514- udp - Cisco VPN Service to Cisco Systems IPSec Driver
62515- udp - Cisco VPN Client - also employs Network Admission Control (NAC)
L2TP uses the following port:
1701 - tcp & udp-l2f(Layer2forwrding)
PPTP uses the following port:
1723 - tcp\udp (PPTP),it uses GRE (protocol 47)
I don't think, 49001 port no need to be open at ISP/Firewall End,